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Objectives and scope of Nordterm's work

The objective of Nordterm is to be a Nordic forum and network for terminology work. In order to achieve this, Nordterm will:

  • promote co-operation among the Nordic countries in the field of terminology through the exchange of information, experience and results, through joint projects, and by holding conferences and symposia,
  • ensure the influence and role of the Nordic countries in terminology development at an international level by co-ordinating efforts and developing joint guidelines,
  • to participate in terminology research, practical terminology work, terminological education and other activities related to terminology.

The most important of Nordterm's activities it the Nordterm Assembly which is organised every second year. The Nordterm Assembly is a forum which is open for all who are interested in terminology in the Nordic countries. In connection with the Nordterm Assembly a Nordic terminology conference is organised.

Nordterm participates actively in the standardization of terminology and many of Nordterm's member organisations are represented on the different levels in ISO/TC 37.

Here you can read the Nordterm's statutes.

Participants in Nordterm

The nucleus of Nordterm is composed of terminology centres in the Nordic countries:

In addition to these, a large number of other organisations and individuals take part in Nordterm activities.

Steering Committee

Nordterm's highest body is the Steering Committee that coordinates Nordterm's activities and represents Nordterm internationally. The Steering Committee consists of one representative of each Nordterm organisation.

The Nordterm Steering Committee 2023–2025

  • Denmark: Lotte Weilgaard, Terminologigruppen i Danmark
    • alternate: Lina Henriksen, Terminologigruppen i Danmark
  • Faroe Islands: Kristin Marjun Magnussen, Málráðið
  • Finland: Katri Seppälä, Sanastokeskus
    • alternate: Mari Suhonen, Sanastokeskus
  • Greenland: Tuperna Møller, Oqaasileriffik
  • Iceland: Ágústa Þorbergsdóttir, Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum (chair)
    • alternate: Ari Páll Kristinsson, Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum
  • Norway: Marianne Aasgaard, Språkrådet
    • alternate: Ann Helen Langaker, Språkrådet
  • Sami: Mika Saijets, Sámi Giellagáldu
  • Sweden: Karin Webjörn, Institutet för språk och folkminnen, Språkrådet

Working Groups

Working Groups carry out the terminological activities.

Nordterm's Working Groups are

  • AG1 — Terminology research and training
    • Chair: Nina Pilke
    • Secretary: Åsa Holmér, Institutet för språk och folkminnen, Språkrådet
  • AG2 — Terminology - digitalisation and tools
    • Chair: Marianne Aasgaard
    • Secretary: Henrik Nilsson