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How to register and use the forum

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 11:14 am
by admin
Registration directions
If you are accessing this forum for the first time, you must first create yourself a user account and then request access to the different discussion areas by following the steps below.
1. Create a user account by clicking the Register-link.
2. Accept the terms of the forum.
3. Fill in your user details (You should select a username that makes your real identity recognizable to other members). Remember also to fill the spambot security question. You can request help from webmaster (at) . Click the Submit-button when you are finished.
4. After this you will get a confirmation email that includes a confirmation link that must be clicked to activate your account. Now you will be able to log in the forum but you can not yet access the discussion areas. The email will include instructions how to request access to the different discussion areas.

Requesting access to discussion areas
To gain access to different discussion areas you must first request membership to their groups.
1. Click the discussion area that you want to join.
2. Click the "Apply for memebership to this forum" -link.
3. Choose from the "Non-memberships" -list the group you want to join. From the "Select" -menu choose "Join selected" and click Submit. Your request will be mailed to the group leader who will process your request and add you to the group. After you have been added to the group, you will get an automatic confirmation email. This process may take a few days.